Knowledge that is always relevant.
Each of you has seen the instructions for first aid and the rules of conduct during shelling, but could not ask questions. BG Kron invited an employee of the State Emergency Service for his employees, who not only told interesting details of the work, but also showed and answered questions.
During artillery fire, it is better to “fall” to the ground or into some recess, and not to run under the building. Because glass can fall out there and…
Conclusion: you need to buy and carry tourniquets to stop bleeding, less safe but effective are harnesses, bandages, fabrics…
This is a small part of the master class, they also discussed the rules of behavior in case of internal bleeding, constipation, an unconscious person, loss of internal organs, etc.
What is your impression of what you read? Now imagine what happened at the master class itself…
The founder of the Kron Business Group Yevhen Korolоv, as part of the first Ukrainian ...
The “FLEX REALITY” company supports our state, cheers for our soldiers and works openly according ...
We encourage business to operate, especially in places where there is no active hostilities.
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