The KRON is a British-Ukrainian business group, the main activity of which is the import and export of auto parts, fasteners, hand and power tools under its own trademarks “APRO”, “Syla”, “Unifix”, “Atek”, “Aurora” and “12 Atelier”. We also unite companies in the field of production, distribution, retail, real estate and IT.
The space around is changing constantly, forcing you to overcome the force of gravity to break away from others. We are united by the fact that we are different, have potential and our own atmosphere. We boldly step into the unknown: because there is always a new goal, a new path and new obstacles ahead. We accept the challenge!
Kron is a national operator of tools, auto products and fasteners
LaMaster is a chain of tools, consumables and fasteners shops in Kharkiv.
FlexReality is a Ukrainian IT- company that implements projects through AR and VR technologies, WEB development and mobile applications.
Inegva is a Ukrainian manufacturer of protective glasses and fasteners.
Aerosollab is a Ukrainian manufacturer of aerosol products.
Aerosollab is a Ukrainian manufacturer of aerosol products.