From fairy tales, the Lynx beast has such sharp vision that it can see the ground for several arshins. Once he saw a Mole in the land and began to mock his blindness:
– If you, worthless animal, had even a hundredth part of my insight, you could penetrate through the very center of the earth. And now you grope for everything, blind as the dark night.
– “Please don’t brag too much,” answered the Mole. “Your eyesight is sharp, but your mind is completely blind.” If you are given what I am deprived of, then I have what you do not have. When you brag about your sharp eyesight, don’t forget about my no less sharp hearing. And I would have had eyes a long time ago when I needed them. The eternal truth of the blessed nature offends no one. She, making inequality equal in everything, contained the power of my eyes in the sharpness of my hearing.
Strength: Folly in wealth is proud and curses, but in poverty it sinks and despairs. She is unhappy in both destinies. There it rages like in a fever of madness, and here it falls off its feet like a bitch…
The founder of the Kron Business Group Yevhen Korolоv, as part of the first Ukrainian ...
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