The pike, coming across sweet food, greedily swallowed it. But suddenly she felt a fishing rod hidden in the treats, stuck in her guts. Cancer noticed this from afar and in the morning, seeing Pike, asked:
– Why are you sad, ladies? Where did your courage go?
– I don’t know, brother, something is sad. I think to have fun, swim from Kremenchuk to the Danube. Fed up with Dnipro.
– And I know the source of your sorrow, – said Cancer. – You swallowed the fishing rod. From now on, neither the fast Danube, nor the fruitful Nile, nor the cheerful Meander, nor golden wings will help you.
Strength: Cancer speaks the exact truth. Without a mind, it is bad even across the sea, and for a wise man, the whole world is his homeland: everywhere is always good for him.
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