– Tell me, Bee, why are you so stupid? Do you know that the fruits of your labor are not so much useful for you as for others, but often harm you, bringing death instead of reward; however, you do not stop collecting honey because of your foolishness. You have many heads, but all are brainless. It is clear that you are madly in love with honey.
– You are a respectable fool, Mr. Advisor, – the Bee answered. The Bear also likes to eat honey, and the Hornet doesn’t mind it. And we could hunt like thieves, as your brothers sometimes do, if we only liked to eat. But we are incomparably happy to collect honey than to eat it. Until now, we have been born and we will be like this until we die. And living without it, even bathing in honey, is the worst torment for us.
Strength: The Hornet is an image of people who live by stealing from others and are born only to eat, drink and so on. And the Bee is a symbol of a wise person who works in his natural work.
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