You have probably heard this saying more than once recently, and some of you have even experienced its truth firsthand.
You have probably heard this saying more than once recently, and some of you have even experienced its truth firsthand.
Here we have such a story. And this story is about confirmation of the importance of one of our main values - partnership.
This story is about support from the company “Bulat” from the cool city of Ternopil. From the entire team, we sincerely thank you for all the help provided, for assistance in organizational matters and simply for being our partners.
We are confident that our relationship will continue to develop and become even stronger. Together we will be able to implement ambitious plans and develop.
Dear partners, the Kron Business Group wishes you a Happy New Year!!!
One of the key principles of The KRON Business Group is a sport and active ...
Started a charity campaign to support homeless animals.
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